It has been a successful year for our Bristol office in 2019, including the first TPA BBQ on the Balcony in July along with a number of planning permissions and approvals throughout the year. Some examples below:
- residential scheme in Salisbury for 640 new homes;
- inquiry for a Retirement Village in Shiplake;
- new Lidl store in Gloucester;
- new B&M store in Gloucester;
- appeal for a Costa Drive-Thru in Stonehouse;
- change of use from office to residential in Bristol;
- mixed use scheme at Milford Waterfront;
- age restricted residential dwellings in Bulkington;
- Section 278 for a new KFC and Costa in Chippenham;
- new primary schools and nursery in Somerset;
- new secondary school in Bristol; and new solar farm in Hampshire.
Thank you to our clients and colleagues and we look forward to continued success in 2020!
©Stan Gruncell Photography