A resolution to grant consent has been reached for the proposals for 126 dwellings at Hawley Park Farm, Blackwater. Transport Planning Associates’ Bristol team has been working closely with Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Lightwood Strategic to resolve the proposed access strategy to the site and demonstrate that the site is sustainably located.
A number of access options were considered on both Hawley Road and Fernhill Lane, with careful consideration to local constraints such as the suitability of existing road widths, available junction visibility, trees subject to tree protection orders and third party land ownership. This ultimately led to the proposals to provide a right turn lane ghost island junction at Hawley Road and a footway improvement scheme on Fernhill Lane.
TPA was also required to design the alignment and gradients of the proposed internal access road to the residential development site across an adjacent SANG site (Suitable Accessible Natural Greenspace) that also had to consider existing Public Right of Way (PRoW) routes.
The team delivered a detailed Transport Assessment and Travel Plan as part of the planning application and subsequently carried out significant negotiations with Highway Officers at Hampshire County Council to turn around their initial recommendation for refusal to approval.