Transport Planning Associates is pleased to announce that following a recent Public Inquiry, planning permission has been granted for a change of land use from B1(a) Office to A1 Retail on a site including four proposed parking spaces at Wellsway in Bath. Bristol based Director Craig Rawlinson provided expert highway engineering and transport planning evidence to the Inquiry to counter the Council’s allegation that the proposals would be detrimental to highway safety.
The Inspector agreed with our arguments that the site was sustainably located, that deliveries could be accommodated from the road side and that on-site and off-site highway works would represent significant highway safety improvements. The Inspector concluded that the appeal proposal “…would provide safe and convenient access for pedestrians and cyclists…” and that it would “…not increase on-street parking in the vicinity to an extent that it would detract from highway safety or residential amenity…”.
Craig Rawlinson said “…the A1 retail use in this location, together with proposed local highway improvements, will help promote sustainable travel in the area and reflects the spirit of national planning policy objectives”.
Please contact Craig Rawlinson for more details