Herefordshire Council’s Planning Committee meeting held on the 2nd September 2015 resolved to grant planning permission for a proposed development of land to the west of the A40, Weston-Under-Penyard, Herefordshire, for 35 dwellings.

TPA worked closely with MG Property Consultants to develop the proposed access strategy to the site and demonstrate that the site is sustainably located.   A number of access options were considered for both vehicular and non-vehicular movements, with TPA carefully considering local constraints such as the available junction visibility, existing hedgerows and third party land ownership.  This ultimately led to the identification of a suitable access proposal on to the A40 and a number of internal links onto the surrounding existing highway network, which would give non-motorised users the option to access the site and avoid the A40.


Highways and transport were considered key constraints, and TPA worked in close consultation with the highway authority and produced a detailed Transport Assessment which was submitted as part of the planning application which resulted in no issues being raised by the Highway Authority.